Why the blood lead level rises during pregnancy and menopause
The lead trapped in our skeleton can get back into our bloodstream if we lose bone temporarily or permanently due to pregnancy, weight loss, menopause, or osteoporosis.
The half-life of lead in the bloodstream is only about a month. In other words, if they supply People lead for about a hundred days to strengthen yours blood values and then You stop give them guidancewho have favourited levels in theand Start bloodS. drop so within about 30 days, their lead content is halved. In another month, you are halve again. So, from around three Months, her body is capable of about 90 percent from their bloodstream. For a graphic showing this, see 0:10 in my video The rise in blood lead levels during pregnancy and menopause.
Iif you are chronic exposed to lead, However, You can have chronically high levels of lead in your blood. More than half a million children in the Uenjoyed S.did it have a worryingly high level of lead and “poor people…are in politically disempowered color communities most in danger lead poisoning “, regardless of age.
Iif you don’t live in these communities and are nÖIf you t constantly exposed to lead, why should you worry about nutritional strategies in order to lower the level of lead in your own blood when your body is that good at it? Even if you to do exposed to lead here and there, above 90 percent the lead is in your blood path after just three or four months. Ah, but gone Where?
More than 90 percent of lead in our body “is stored in our bones where it has a half-life of years to decades,” so instead of it takes time a couple of months to get rid of it, how about a couple of decades? Indeed, researchers appreciate the half-life of the shin, Commonly known as Shin, being 48.6 years. So even if we moved to another planet and never had any We have yet another exposure to external sources of lead internally Source of lead, which leaches the toxic heavy metal into our system throughout our lives.
Ok bbut if it is mostly only stored in our skeleton, what’s the big deal? Well, if you were to lose bones, all of the trapped lead could flow back into your system. For example if we NS Weight, we’re losing bones, it matters a lot Sense. Heavier people have a heavier skeleton with greater bone mineral density. Your body needs to maintain stronger bones to carry all of the extra weight. So when we lose weight, when our skeletons get smaller, does the lead in our bloodstream go up? As you can see in mine at 2:14 Video, the answer is unfortunately Yes–but only if we NS a lot of weight. If you lose 10 pounds or so, not much happens, however if you lose more than 80 pounds, the level of lead in your blood can rise 250 Percent.
When else can you experience bone loss? With offSteoporosis, obviously. As you can see in mine at 2:31 am Video, weatherOmen with osteoporosis can NS average 3 percent their bone mass per year. However, including healthy, postmenopausal women without Osteoporosis can lose a percentage of its skeleton annually. Do women get lead up when they lose their period? Apparently so. A study with almost 3,000 women found “on maximum significant increase” Lead levels after menopause, Which “provideit is Evidence that bone lead is actually mobilized into the blood…An important implication of this finding is that even a low lead exposure over a relatively long period of time can lead to increased lead exposure of the body which could be released in toxicologically significant amounts during critical physiological states” where there is bone in the flow. So it’s notnot just osteoporosis, but, worst during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
mMost of the calcium is given to the baby in utero comes the end “increased maternal intake” of dietary calcium. The mother’s belly begins absorbent 60 or 70 percent more calcium in the second and third trimestersS. to build the baby’s skeleton. That is why the calcium requirement of women in the diet is not increased through pregnancy or breastfeeding. Your body is not stupid. W.When it senses it needs more calcium, it simply takes in more calcium. Well, if that’s not enough, you’re at the end of it immerse into the calcium stored in your bones. This is not a problembecause aAfter it is all over, your body builds the calcium back into your skeleton, leaving six months after giving birth, after birth, your bone mineral density is right where you are started.
That’s whyas you can see in mine at 4:10 Video, also those Women who breastfeeding for a long time, well beyond those six months after childbirth and have had several pregnantieswithout compromising bone mineral density in later life, regardless of whether it is measured on the wrists, spine or hips. So, Why does it matter if your body takes a bone bank removal during pregnancy and breastfeeding, if it just puts everything back in the end? Because of the leadership. When your body dissolves some of your bone to borrow the extra calcium, it releases the lead that was locked in the skeleton at the worst possible moment–right when your baby is most vulnerable. ThaT is part of “The toxic legacy of lead.”
- Chronic lead exposure can lead to chronically high levels of lead in the blood, which affects more than half a million children in the United States. The highest risk of lead poisoning, regardless of age, is low-income paint communities.
- Lead in our bloodstream has a half-life of about a month, which means that if intake is stopped, half the amount of lead is reduced in about 30 days. In the following month, half of the remaining level is broken down and so on.
- However, more than 90 percent of the lead in our bodies is stored in our bones with a half-life of years to decades instead of a month. For example, the half-life of lead in our shins is 48.6 years.
- The lead trapped in our bones can flow back into our system in the event of bone loss, for example through weight loss, osteoporosis, postmenopause, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- During pregnancy, most of the calcium the fetus uses to build its skeleton comes from the mother’s increased intake of dietary calcium or stored calcium from her bones. Your body realizes that more calcium is needed during pregnancy, so it just takes in more or pulls more out of your skeleton.
- After the birth, the mother’s bone mineral density is replenished and her body replaces the calcium in her skeleton. The problem, however, is the lead that is released when the body breaks down some bone for the extra calcium it needs, which is drawn when the fetus is most vulnerable.
What can we do against it? You can find out in my video Should pregnant women take calcium supplements to lower lead levels?.
to see my Others Videos on lead, check out:
- How the leading paint industry got away with it wit hit
- Lead in drinking water
- How the leaded gas industry got away with it wit hit
- “Normal” lead levels in the blood can be toxic
- The Effects of Low Lead Exposure in Adults
- How to lower lead levels with diet: thiamine, fiber, iron, fat, fasting?
- How can you reduce lead levels with your diet: breakfast, whole grains, milk, tofu?
- Best foods for lead poisoning: chlorella, coriander, tomatoes, moringa?
- Best food for lead poisoning: garlic
- Can Vitamin C Help With Lead Poisoning?
- Yellow Bell Pepper For Male Infertility And Lead Poisoning?
- Lead contamination in hot sauces
- Given the lead contamination, is lipstick safe?
- Can saunas detoxify lead? from the body?
- How much lead Is in organic chicken soup (bone broth)?
- Lead in calcium supplements
- Lead Contamination in fish and game
- Lead Contamination of tea
In health,
Michael Greger, MD
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