
Why Curry Could Affect the Metabolic Health of Women Over 50

Initial results of the study suggest that postmenopausal women have a higher risk of MetS than premenopausal women. The study used data from 7,131 pre- and post-menopausal Korean women (all over 20 years old) collected between 2009 and 2017. “The prevalence of MetS in Korean women is about 13.8%. [premenopause], “They report,” and 54.6% after menopause. “

Based on their results, the researchers were able to identify some factors that can reduce the risk. First off, women who ate more curry, especially those who ate it often, had a lower risk of postmenopausal MetS. According to the newspaper, “Curry rice is a popular food in Korea and contains a high concentration of curcumin”. […]The main active ingredient in dried rhizomes (turmeric) of Curcuma longa is helpful in the prevention and / or treatment of MetS due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Another factor linked to risk reduction was a specific, sometimes overlooked nutrient: vitamin B2, sometimes known as riboflavin. In particular, the researchers found that “increasing your daily vitamin B2 intake by 1 mg reduced the risk of MetS by 45%”. Like curcumin, it has previously been linked to antioxidant effects, which may help protect against oxidative stress, which is likely to add to the risk of MetS-related disorders.

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