Saffron for erectile dysfunction
What are the effects of the oral and topical use of spiced saffron on impotence in men?
“Saffron was traditional considered an aphrodisiac. “The spice was shown Prozac-induced sexual dysfunction in women and men significantly improve improvement erectile function. If it works for drug-induced dysfunction, so could it job for regular erectile dysfunction only? This is the subject of my video Saffron for erectile dysfunction.
Why not just use pills like Viagra? You can jobbut many men stop using them for “various reasons such as adverse side effects”. In fact, almost half of the men decide The disadvantages outweigh the advantages. For men who don’t to like Drugs, there are always operations – the implantation of penile prostheses. Incredibly, penile implant use obviously dates back to the age of 16th Century. Early experiments involved Transplantation of the costal cartilage or even the patient’s actual rib into the penis. Fortunately, in the 1960s, space technologies made it possible for men to keep their rib cages intact. Originally, the implants left men in a “permanent upright position”, but then the “Flexirod” was invented with a hinge in the middle so that the device could be bent in half “for better concealment”. The right size, of course is Important: If the implants are too small, the tip can droop, leading to a “supersonic transport deformity (SST)”. Why supersonic? “Because of its resemblance to the Concorde’s nose [jet]. Over-long dentures can also be a problem and with the semi-rigid bar erosion [out of the penis] can occur. “” Although a penile prosthesis in general perforated it can also extrude into the urethra through the glans [tip] or corporation. “Ouch.
Now there are inflatable devices as you can see in mine at 2:06 p.m. Videoand maybe one day there will be “expandable foams that react to external magnetic fields ”or metal grid technology“ which could expand and retract like a cage ”. (Can you imagine getting through airport security with it?)
There has to be a better way.
In one study, 20 men with erectile dysfunction took and did 200 mg (about a quarter teaspoon) of saffron per day followed For ten days. But first they were taken to the “RigiScan room” where they were addicted to a “computerized, battery-operated system for recording penile swelling” – which means swelling – “and stiffness”. They were then “monitored while watching a video tape of visual sexual stimulation (VSS),” although the use of the device is controversial. described as “an expensive, complicated, and time-consuming effort”. But as you can see in mine at 3:00 am Videoafter the ten days of to take Saffron appeared to give a significant improvement in the stiffness and tumescence of the tip and base. “Whether it is possible to replace [Viagra-type drugs] This golden plant requires further investigation with a larger sample. “But it’s not just about size. The researchers didn’t use a control, so this could all have just been a big placebo effect.
But ultimately researchers gutted Saffron versus Viagra in a head-to-head challenge. Usually there is also a third group – a placebo group – but they obviously felt it was unethical to let men go for 12 weeks without effective treatment. The saffron seemed safer than the drug, with significantly fewer side effects such as severe headaches, hot flashes, nasal congestion, and nausea, but … it wasn’t at all effective. That’s why I’ve never produced a video on the subject – it just doesn’t seem to help with erectile dysfunction. However, could it be that they made the mistake of ingesting the saffron orally instead of rubbing it on their penis? About half of middle-aged men in the United States appear to be doing this Suffer So how about a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study? Researcher educated The effect of a gel that contains either 1 percent saffron or a “golden yellow food coloring” so that the two gels looked the same. “Both groups were trained to rub a pea-sized amount of gel onto their penis half an hour before intercourse. One month later, all patients were re-examined using the same questionnaire. “As you can see in mine at 4:40 VideoCompared to food coloring, the saffron angel resulted in significant improvements in erectile function, sexual desire, and overall satisfaction. The effects are attributed to a compound in saffron that increases nitric oxide production in the arteries. But if it does, then it is probably better to treat the cause and prevent the vascular dysfunction by eating a diet high in nitrate vegetables.
Those who want to clean all of their arteries and treat the cause should check out my video Survival of the feasts: erectile dysfunction and death.
Another video worth watching is Best food for antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction. I have a few others on the golden spice:
In health,
Michael Greger, MD
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