Infectious Disease
PM360 recognizes Stlicher for health care services
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Joan-Marie Stlicher, THE, Healio, Chief Content Officer, received the PM360 ELITE Award for her editorial work, particularly related to her coverage of the coronavirus, Healio said in a press release.
“Given the amount of information about COVID-19, I felt it was crucial that Healio focused on the unique effects of the virus on medical specialists and the patients they treat,” Stlichen said in the press release. “I’m so proud of the editorial team and their exceptional coverage of the pandemic.”
Healio published its first article on COVID-19 on January 7, 2020 when the company reported “a new disease that would later become known as COVID-19,” according to a press release. A month later, the company launched the Healio COVID-19 Resource Center, which publishes news about the novel virus.
The ELITE Award recognizes outstanding personalities and their effects on the healthcare industry. From 500 nominees, PM360 selected 100 winners from 19 categories based on recommendations from the nominees’ colleagues and customers.
Stly was nominated for the honor of Matthew J. Holland, Chief Commercial Officer of Healio Strategic Solutions. She won in the strategist category.
“The quality, depth and creativity of the editorial content that she and her team develop is truly remarkable, as demonstrated by our loyal specialist audience.” Said Holland in the press release.
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