
How To Maximize The Benefits – Guardian Life – The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News

Intermittent fasting. Photo parade

Intermittent means starting and stopping or occurring after a certain time. Fasting simply means going without food for a period of time. Fasting is an ancient tradition that has been practiced by many cultures and religions over time.

Hence, intermittent fasting is a nutritional plan that alternates between not eating and eating regularly. It is also a period of time when you limit your energy expenditure for different meal times that alternate between your willingness to fast for a period of time.

There are different types or methods, such as consuming only around 500 to 600 calories the next day (a 24-hour fast) and 2 days a week.

Intermittent fasting plans. Photo timeless investing

Over the years, intermittent fasting has become the most popular health trend that has attracted a lot of interest and attention from people and has already become a part of their lives. People start it for many reasons such as; personally, spiritually, religiously, or likely because they do not have access to food. Scientific research has also proven that intermittent fasting can be beneficial for our health with weight loss, metabolic health, aging, increased insulin sensitivity, and improved cholesterol levels.

This trend also exists in both religious and cultural practices such as Ramadan for Muslims, Lent for Christians, Vrata for Hinduism, Yom Kippur for Judaism, and many others.

In Christian practice, intermittent fasting may require that certain foods be avoided during this time. Muslims forego food during Ramadan, drink all liquids, smoke cigarettes, and engage in all sexual activity from sunrise to sunset. Each religion has its own reasons that are its own and also serve as part of its own identity.

Generally, individuals start doing this for health reasons, weight loss, aging benefit, and metabolic health reasons. Avoiding certain foods while fasting helps change risk factors for health conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases like lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Short fasts help people lose weight and also help increase the fitness level of people, especially those who suffer from obesity.

In terms of aging, it helps the body break down nutrients and burn calories more efficiently, and it slows down the breakdown of DNA, as mainly occurs or is found in aging men and women. Despite the possible side effects, the benefit for humans cannot be overestimated.

Going without food, especially carbohydrates, for a period of time in a country riddled with hunger and poverty can be a daunting and difficult task to begin with. Weight loss, brain health and increasing insulin sensitivity. It has proven to be a viable tool that keeps us healthy, strong, and fit.

How do you maximize the benefits?
1. Hydration is one of the best ways to keep your body at its peak. This is also the case with intermittent fasting. Make sure you drink plenty of water and non-calorie beverages.

2. Take a deep breath and take your mind off the next meal. Find the time to engage in an activity that encourages relaxation, such as watching your favorite movies, meditation, or yoga.

3. We know you want to get involved, and it took a lot of will to do so. So why not have every calorie (low in calories) counted? Eat meals that are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and protein. You don’t want to get nutritional deficiencies during this time. Also, remember that it is filling up.

Caution should be exercised when people with conditions such as low blood sugar or malabsorption decide to take any form of intermittent fasting. In fact, it is best to consult a doctor.

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