Does dietary yeast trigger Crohn’s illness?
Is the exaggerated reaction of many Crohn’s disease patients to baker’s, brewer’s, and nutritional yeast just a result of their inflamed, leaky bowels, or could the yeast be a cause?
“Baker’s yeast for Crohn’s disease – it can Kill You? “Is the inflammatory title (no pun intended) of a 1999 magazine article. Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease. Could baker’s yeast, which is the same yeast as brewer’s yeast, which is the same yeast as nutritional yeast, play a role in Crohn’s disease? I’m investigating this in my video Does nutritional yeast cause Crohn’s disease?
It all started with a study published in 1988 that showed that people with Crohn’s disease tend having more antibodies to yeast than people without Crohn’s disease, as you can see at 0:32 in mine Video. Antibodies are like detectors that our immune systems use to attack foreign invaders, and cell-mediated immunity, where our white blood cells attack invaders directly, is another part of our immune system. The same was hypersensitive reaction to yeast found also in the white blood cells of Crohn’s disease patients.
If you draw blood from healthy people – even bakers who are constantly around yeast – and then expose the white blood cells of their immune systems to yeast, nothing happens. The white blood cells simply ignore the yeast because it is usually harmless. But, “[i]In striking contrast to healthy controls, when you do the same in patients with Crohn’s disease, they show “a marked increase in their lymphocyte proliferation when exposed to yeast” as their white blood cells go crazy.
Well when I say yeast is “normally harmless” if you are to have You could possibly get cancer, AIDS, or have poor immunity infected from home brewed beer or probiotic yeast additives, but researchers don’t believe the yeast actually is infect Crohn’s patient. People with Crohn’s disease may just be hypersensitive to the inactive, dead yeast in typical foods. This can explain why they will feel better if they rest their bowels by fasting.
Indeed, therefore we Add Yeast extracts and proteins for vaccines as adjuvant, an irritant like aluminum, to make the vaccines work better by enhancing the immune response. But could this increase the risk of autoimmune diseases and boost our immune response a little too much, especially in people who are genetically susceptible, like people with Crohn’s disease?
The stronger the anti-yeast reaction, the more severe the disease. That was seen in the children and can also Be the case for adult, also. Should we try a yeast-free diet for Crohn’s patients to see if they are better? Please wait. Just because there are anti-yeast antibodies connected with having Crohn’s disease does not mean that the reaction to yeast is causing Crohn’s disease. Perhaps Crohn’s Disease is causing the response to yeast.
Think about it: Crohns causes an inflamed, leaky gut, so maybe the Crohns came first and let yeast particles get into the bloodstream, causing an anti-yeast reaction. Instead of the yeast reaction that set off the Crohns, the Crohns may have set off the yeast reaction. “Whether these are antibodies trigger IBD [inflammatory bowel disease] or are just a consequence of intestinal inflammation, without a disease-worsening role being difficult to pin down. “How could we test it? If anti-yeast antibodies are just a result of food particles leaking through the intestines, Crohn’s patients should have antibodies to all types of common foods, but they shouldn’t. As you can see in mine at 3:18 Video, There were higher anti-yeast antibodies in patients with Crohn’s disease compared to controls, but in patients with Crohn’s disease there was no stronger response to milk, wheat, or egg proteins, which presumably would also have leaked.
We can also see it differently. What about other inflammatory bowel diseases instead of other foods? Ulcerative colitis and acute gastroenteritis can cause the bowels to become inflamed and leak, but there is no increased yeast reaction. The relationship between yeast and Crohn’s disease seems something unique, but could Crohn’s disease gut just uniquely and selectively pass through? If you cut out the crohns you can Stop the yeast reaction? Crohn’s gets so bad that most patients go under the knife and have to remove parts of their bowels. Does the yeast reaction go away when the inflamed segments are removed? No as you can see in mine at 4:18 pm Video, There is No post-operative change. So a change in Crohn’s activity does not change the yeast response, but we have yet to prove that the yeast response comes first.
Fortunately, the Israeli military has been systematic draws Blood from his recruits and follows their health for years so we can go back and examine the blood of newly diagnosed Crohn’s victims. Indeed, those who later had Crohn’s disease reacted disproportionately to yeast for years. So it’s not like the yeast reactions are low until Crohn is hit and then shot up. As you can see in mine at 4:54 VideoYeast activity crawled Year after year before the diagnosis. It is possible that there was a subclinical bowel leak that led to the yeast reaction in the years prior to diagnosis, but this is not the case appear be a connection between yeast activity and intestinal leakage. Given this, high blood levels of anti-yeast antibodies should occur Result of intestinal barrier leakage in Crohn’s disease? No, that doesn’t seem to be the case. If Crohns does not lead to the yeast reaction, does that mean that the yeast reaction leads to Crohns?
Anytime two things seem to be related – in this case, the response to yeast (X) and Crohn’s disease (Y) – they can appear to be related because X is causing Y or YX. Now, as we discussed earlier, it appears that Y, Crohn’s disease, doesn’t cause X, a yeast reaction, but does that mean X is causingY? There is another option. There may be a third factor, Z, that causes both X and Y independently. Perhaps the only reason yeast activity and Crohn’s disease seem to go together is because there’s a third factor causing them both – for example, candida, which I cover in my video Is Candida Syndrome Real?.
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Forewarned? So is yeast really a potential problem? Yes, and not just for Crohn. This is the first in a four-part video series. See also:
In health,
Michael Greger, MD
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